Saturday, July 30, 2011

Winning in the Cash Flow Business - Russ Dalbey Review

Winning In The Cash Flow Business by Russ Dalbey is about to be exposed. I know the real story because I Have been through it, but if I did not know, I would read this page VERY thoroughly!

I have Several  Russ Dalbey Customer Emails to back this all up!

Russ Dalbey does give you some decent information and a bunch of it! After seeing all of this it did not seem near as easy as the info-mercial made it sound. The information wasn't too organized and there is a lot of it, but it didn't seem to tell the whole story.
I thought it might be possible, but I was hoping that I could have some help with it and what happens next? I get a call from someone at the Winning Cash Flow Office! At first I was very relieved and I thought, awesome, they really are going to help me out.
As I continued to talk to this man, he seemed sincere and was explaining to me all the ways he was going to help me. He promised to coach me through my first five note deals and at this point I was excited about trying this. He said he also wanted to make me one of the people that gives a testimonial on their commercials!
He was happy to answer any questions I had about Winning in the Cash Flow Business and the first one i asked was "How many Note Deals have you done?" I expected him to say that he had thousands under his belt, However, the answer he gave me was shocking.
He replied that he had NEVER even done a Note Deal before and HE was supposed to be my "Teacher!"
That seemed strange to me, but I said to myself, "maybe this guy is really trained by Russ Dalbey and he can get me going in the right direction." He did seem well versed on the subject.
After all, It is my job to test and try opportunities to see if they are legitimate, so I thought ok, he was kind enough to call me and offer his help. But..
Then he continued to tell me that this extra help would have a price tag, which I was expecting anyway. However I was not expecting that he would ask for $2900 bucks! This request prompted a swift phone call disconnection. There are much easier and way less expensive ways to make cash from your home and there was no way I was going to entertain this system any longer.
The funny thing is that a couple days later, some other salesman from Winning in the Cash Flow Business called me and asked for $8,000 and promised me again that I would be on the commercial!

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